Cheapest Flights

Cheapest Flights

Compare offers of low cost airlines to find the cheapest connections to your favourite destinations. Or simply let Azuon suggest where it is hot to fly!

Creative Trip Planning

Creative Trip Planning

Search multiple origins and destinations within any date frame in a few clicks and combine low cost flights into multileg trips.

Smart Search Engine

Smart Search Engine

Define time you want to spend in-between flights, filter by weekdays, see price history, assign a budget for your trip and much more!

Privacy Policy

We are committed to protect your privacy.

What information do we collect?

We collect your email address and the country code of your Paypal account when you sign up on our site. Azuon application uses your system''s hardware configuration to generate a random number sent to our server. When you perform a search on your computer, your query and IP address are sent to and saved on our server. The details of found flights are saved on the server as well. We do not store nor do we have access to your payment information such as your credit card details. You may visit our site anonymously.

What do we use your information for?

Any of the information we collect from you is used exclusively to login to Azuon, to enforce our "one account one computer" policy, to speed up future searches and for debugging purposes. The email address you provide is very occasionally used to send you information pertaining to important Azuon updates or news. If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from receiving future emails, we include unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of each email.

Do we use cookies?

Yes, we do. We use cookies to store information about your OS language as well as to store your session while you’re managing your account. In addition, our merchant partners will place a cookie or similar technology on your device whenever you use 'Book Flight' option.

Do we disclose any information to outside parties?


Your consent

By using our website and/or Azuon application, you consent to our Privacy Policy.

This policy was last modified on 24th August 2014.