Cheapest Flights

Cheapest Flights

Compare offers of low cost airlines to find the cheapest connections to your favourite destinations. Or simply let Azuon suggest where it is hot to fly!

Creative Trip Planning

Creative Trip Planning

Search multiple origins and destinations within any date frame in a few clicks and combine low cost flights into multileg trips.

Smart Search Engine

Smart Search Engine

Define time you want to spend in-between flights, filter by weekdays, see price history, assign a budget for your trip and much more!

Terms & Conditions

By clicking the Proceed to Payment button on the Sign Up page on this website you agree to the following terms of Azuon usage.

  1. In order to use Azuon in full mode, you need to sign up (open an Azuon account). Each registered user, an Azuon member, uses this account to log in to the application.
  2. To maintain your account active, a fee is automatically charged at the beginning of each time period of your subscription. Your billing cycle can be for each 3, 6 or 12 months. Fees are final and include all taxes and payment fees.
  3. Alternatively, you can open a one year account and pay only once without automatic recurring payments. In this case, when your account expires, you won't be able to use Azuon in full mode anymore.
  4. Although subscription fees could change at any time in the future, such a change applies only for new incoming members, i.e. your subscription will remain unaffected.
  5. You can cancel your subscription at any time. See Help section for instructions on how to do this. To modify your subscription (i.e. billing cycle), please unsubscribe and subscribe again.
  6. We do not issue refunds. Please use the free version of Azuon to make sure you have proper hardware and software, and desired functionality.
  7. In most cases, your Azuon account will be activated immediately upon payment. However, due to possible server overloads, please allow 24h for this to happen before sending us an email.
  8. You are not allowed to perform or attempt to perform more than 50 searches in any 24 hours with a personal account nor use it for commercial purposes. You are not allowed to perform Azuon searches with non-human agents. To use Azuon for commercial purposes, please choose the 'commercial 1-year account' option. The abuse of Azuon accounts is typically automatically detected and such accounts will be blocked.
  9. Your account will be valid for unlimited login to the current version of Azuon as well as for all new versions and updates until it expires.
  10. You are allowed to use your Azuon account, be it personal or commercial, only on one computer and one mobile device. Azuon reserves the right to suspend your account if you use it on more than one computer. If you wish to switch to another computer at some point in the future, please contact us and we will adjust your account for free.
  11. Use Azuon AT YOUR OWN RISK as it comes without any implicit or explicit warranty. Azuon is a powerful tool which generates a high amount of Internet traffic; overusing Azuon may result in airlines banning your IP address or otherwise impeding you from using their websites normally. While a great care is taken to provide you with most up to date flight details at all times, the accuracy and freshness of flight prices are not guaranteed nor is the completeness of the search for supported airlines.